
Sea Fever


I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by;
And the wheel’s kick and the wind’s song and the white sail’s shaking,
And a grey mist on the sea’s face, and a grey dawn breaking,
I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide
Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;
And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,
And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.
I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life,
To the gull’s way and the whale’s way where the wind’s like a whetted knife;
And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover,
And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick’s over.

I’m an American professional dancer/aerialist.

I lived abroad for 7 years and just settled (for now) back in the States.

My partner is an Australian professional singer/actor (he can dance too)

Sometimes I love running, sometimes I love yoga, sometimes I love P90X…

Movement is my drug

*2017 has been a bit of a change in direction as I’m pregnant (yay!) and in Cosmetology school.  I’ll graduate in August and baby is due in September.  Needless to say this fitness blog is evolving- but fitness is still a very big part of my life.

**2018 Baby is here! I’m a working hair stylist and MUA.  Still doing aerial work and fitness is a big part of my life.  Also vegan cooking 🙂

Me and my Aussie on top of the Empire State Building

  1. Hey Lady!
    I am so glad you commented on my blog so I could find yours! I love to read too, like all of the time, it’s the best 🙂
    I look forward to following your blog more!

  2. Hey Cista, greta to see you are going from strength to strength.

    I thought this might interest you – at first I thought the girl WAS you, LOL


    I’m on a fitness drive too, have lost 10 kg and now run 5k on a treadmill, which for a lazy slob like me is not too shabby. LOL Have also updated and redesigned my photo site: http://www.enrightography.com/

    Onward and upward!


    Pete (on the Sunshine Coast)

    • oh my god! Would that I could naked free dive in Russia, play with beluga whales, or even just hold my breath for 10 minutes and 40 seconds I would consider myself a goddess!

      Great job with the fitness goals! Treadmill 5k’s are still challenging for me so no worries. Hope all is well on the sunny side!

  3. Oh we have a lot in common! I just ran my first 5k and my first 10k is on the 4th of July! & I’m also a vegetarian 🙂 Nice to “meet” you!

  4. I’m really excited to read your blog. It empowering to hear about other women who find health and fitness when they struggle with eating disorders! Hopefully I’ll find the same balance with working out and eating well.

    • Thank you! It is difficult to find your equilibrium for health, food, working out after eating disorder struggles and I’m constantly inspired by those around me with similar histories! Onward an upward for us Liz!

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love your outlook and definitely will keep reading 🙂

  6. How do you eat daily? I’m low weight (mainly due to anxiety, depression). I now struggle immensely with binging ….I don’t exercise…I’m ashamed of myself. …I don’t want to gain this way . Kind of lost. If you have thoughts, feel free to email me.

    You’re very pretty!

    • hey I’d be happy to email you if you’d like. The first thing I can say is no matter what you’re doing or how you’re eating you do NOT need to be ashamed of yourself. That may sound like a pat answer but that feeling is as important as how you eat. Shame has no place in your life. You say you struggle, but you’re looking for help – hey, EVERYONE struggles whether they tell you or not and finding help, looking for answers, that’s brave and smart and strong – not shameful. I’m not a doctor, and in all honesty I still struggle with how to eat. I’m thinking of working with a nutritionist in fact. If you’d like more details or just to talk more email me at crista.leopardi@gmail.com. I know what it’s like to feel lost and not know what to do. No one should have to feel like that!

  7. Thanks for reading my blog, and I’m so happy to have found yours, it’s great! And good luck training for your first races! You will be hooked:) Looking forward to reading more!

  8. Hi, so what do you eat in a day now. I’m currently underweight and struggling. If you’re open to chat, send me an email!

  9. Umm we need to become best friends asap..so I can come visit you..I am WHOA jealous of your location!

  10. You couldn’t be living in a better country. I’ll join you soon. I’m currently in Tokyo but will be returning home to Sydney in several weeks. I’m also into fitness and healthy living. I look forward to reading more of your blog. Kim*


  11. Hey lady 🙂

    i love the way you talk about your passions! maybe you should check out the new workout from freeletics 🙂 give it a try! its absolutly worth the pain 🙂 http://www.freeletics.com

    • oh neat! I just checked it out and I’m intrigued! I haven’t done HIIT workouts in a while. It’s been all elliptical, abs and yoga since I broke my ankle in May and I’m jonesing for some spice!

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